Jackson County is accepting Outside Agency Funding applications to support community based nonprofit organizations. Consideration is given to those nonprofit organizations meeting community health and human service needs of underserved populations by improving the livability of the community in the following areas:

Basic Services: programs focused on the delivery of services and the development of systems that prevent and reduce immediate and long-term harm – access to food, shelter, clothing, hygiene

Emergency Assistance Services: programs providing emergency assistance limited to 30 days or less

Quality of Life Services: programs providing opportunities for a stable life to prevent harm, protect individuals from risk or danger and meet daily living needs

Support Services: programs aimed at vulnerable and at-risk seniors, youth, young adults and families

Applications are only accepted through the online application system. Applications are due no later than 3:00 PM on Friday, September 29, 2023, for consideration in Jackson County’s 2024 Budget. Late or incomplete applications will be rejected by the online application system. Submitting an application does not guarantee that your agency will receive funds.


Should you have any questions about the process or information required, please contact the Auditor’s Office, auditor@jacksongov.org or 816-881-3310, prior to submission of your Outside Agency Funding Request.

To proceed with an Outside Agency Funding Application log in below. If this is your first time applying please create an account.




If you already have an account please login, or click here to create a new account.